[Framers] FM19: "Command or menu named Send has not been defined"
Lin Sims
2018-10-25 12:54:35 UTC
I'm getting a series of notifications on the Console every time I open
Frame about errors in the menus.cfg file. I haven't edited this file, so I
don't know why there's an issue.

Notifications are as follows:

maker: While reading menu customization file C:\Users\Linda
maker: (120) Command or menu named Send has not been defined.
maker: (135) Cannot define a ShiftCommand because command named Send or
SendAllOpenFiles is not defined.
maker: (630) Command or menu named Send has not been defined.
maker: (716) Command or menu named Send has not been defined.
maker: (1026) Command or menu named ClipArtCmd has not been defined.

Checking the menus.cfg file reveals that this line is not present:

<Menu Send <Label Send>>

Is there information that should be there that isn't? If so, what do I need
to add? Or can I just comment the offending lines out without affecting
Lin Sims

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Klaus Daube
2018-10-26 09:40:36 UTC
Dear Lin,

This is a mystery to me...
In FM- there is a File > Utilities > Send menu item
In FM- there is no such entry.
And hence I also do not find a line
<Command Send ...
in any of the FM-15 cfg files (see appended text files).

May it be a residuum from the first installation (
Then I suggest to rename the %appdata%.../15 directory and start again. If
there are specials (maker.ini, Startup), you can copy them over later. Key
point is to have clean menu files in there.

Klaus Daube Phone: +41-44-381 37 77
Schäracher 11 Mail: ***@daube.ch
CH-8053 Zürich Web: www.daube.ch

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Lin Sims
2018-10-26 12:15:36 UTC
A fellow Framer named tarini suggested renaming the Workspaces folder. I
tried that and FM refused to start. So I put the name back, and it started
without the messages showing up, and examination of the menus.cfg file
showed those lines removed.

Weird, huh?
Post by Klaus Daube
Dear Lin,
This is a mystery to me...
In FM- there is a File > Utilities > Send menu item
In FM- there is no such entry.
And hence I also do not find a line
<Command Send ...
in any of the FM-15 cfg files (see appended text files).
May it be a residuum from the first installation (
Then I suggest to rename the %appdata%.../15 directory and start again. If
there are specials (maker.ini, Startup), you can copy them over later. Key
point is to have clean menu files in there.
Klaus Daube Phone: +41-44-381 37 77
CH-8053 Zürich Web: www.daube.ch
Lin Sims

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Lin Sims
2018-10-26 13:22:37 UTC
Ah, my error. I renamed the wrong directory; the one in the Program Files
directory, not the AppData one.

Renaming the RIGHT directory worked.

<shakes head> I need to pay closer attention to where I am in the file
Post by Lin Sims
A fellow Framer named tarini suggested renaming the Workspaces folder. I
tried that and FM refused to start. So I put the name back, and it started
without the messages showing up, and examination of the menus.cfg file
showed those lines removed.
Weird, huh?
Post by Klaus Daube
Dear Lin,
This is a mystery to me...
In FM- there is a File > Utilities > Send menu item
In FM- there is no such entry.
And hence I also do not find a line
<Command Send ...
in any of the FM-15 cfg files (see appended text files).
May it be a residuum from the first installation (
Then I suggest to rename the %appdata%.../15 directory and start again. If
there are specials (maker.ini, Startup), you can copy them over later. Key
point is to have clean menu files in there.
Klaus Daube Phone: +41-44-381 37 77
CH-8053 Zürich Web: www.daube.ch
Lin Sims
Lin Sims

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